From Simple Machine Translation to Brilliance: The Impact of AI on Translation Industry

24 March 2023

Artificial intelligence (AI) has revolutionized many industries, and the translation industry is no exception. AI-powered translation tools have simplified and accelerated business communication with global customers, partners, and employees. However, AI in translation, like any other technology, has both advantages and disadvantages. In this blog post, we will look at how artificial intelligence has impacted the translation industry.

Let’s be straightforward and to the point – the brilliance of AI in text translation lies in its ability to provide quick, efficient, accurate, and consistent translations while lowering costs and increasing productivity. However, the human review is still required to ensure that the translations are appropriate for the context and are free of errors.

Pros of AI in Translation:

  1. Speed and Efficiency: AI-powered translation tools can translate content at a much faster rate than human translators. This is especially useful for businesses that need to translate large volumes of content in a short period.
  2. Consistency: AI translations are consistent, which means that the same message will be conveyed in the same way every time. This can be particularly helpful for businesses that need to maintain a consistent brand voice across multiple languages.
  3. Cost-Effectiveness: AI-powered translation tools are often less expensive than hiring human translators. This is especially true for businesses that must translate a large volume of content on a regular basis.
  4. Language Diversity: AI-powered translation tools can translate content into a wide range of languages, allowing businesses to communicate more effectively with global customers, partners, and employees.

Cons of AI in Translation:

  1. Lack of nuance: AI-powered translation tools are incapable of capturing linguistic nuances, resulting in translations that are inaccurate or inappropriate for the context.
  2. Limited vocabulary: AI-powered translation tools may be unable to accurately translate complex technical terms or idiomatic expressions, which may result in misunderstandings.
  3. Need for Human Review: To ensure accuracy and quality, AI-powered translation tools still require human review. This can add additional time and expense to the translation process.
  4. Cultural differences: AI-powered translation tools may not be able to capture cultural differences, which can result in translations that are not inappropriate for the context. This is especially important for companies that must communicate with customers or partners from other cultures.

A Threat or a Blessing?

In conclusion, AI is not necessarily a threat to the translation industry, but it is a significant disruptor in the industry that may lead to job losses, reduced quality, dependence on technology and tangle some ethically sensitive issues.

While AI poses some potential threats to the translation industry, it also provides significant opportunities for collaboration between AI and human translators. Human translators can provide the creativity, nuance, and cultural expertise required for accurate translations, while AI-powered translation tools can help speed up the process, increase efficiency and consistency, and reduce costs.

You Are Not Smarter Than Me!

AI-powered translation tools may struggle to translate technical terms accurately, resulting in significant misunderstandings in technical contexts. Here’s an example of AI mistranslating a technical context:

“The system requires a minimum of 8 gigabytes of RAM to operate efficiently,” says the original sentence in English.

AI mistranslated: “The system requires a minimum of 8 gigabytes of RAM to work energetically.”

In this case, the AI-powered translation tool mistranslated the word “efficiently” as “energetically,” changing the meaning of the sentence completely. In a technical context, where precise language is critical for accuracy and safety, this error could be a costly one.

It’s essential to have human translators or technical experts who can review and verify technical translations to ensure that they are accurate and appropriate for the context. While AI-powered translation tools can help speed up the translation process, they should not be relied upon exclusively for technical translations.

The Human Touch

Technical translations frequently involve complex terminology and necessitate a thorough understanding of the subject. AI-powered translation tools may struggle to translate technical terms accurately or in the appropriate context. These translations necessitate the expertise and knowledge of a human translator or technical expert who is familiar with the nuances of the language and subject matter.

Finally, technical translations frequently involve sensitive or confidential information that must be handled with care. AI-powered translation tools may be incapable of handling such information correctly, resulting in significant errors or ethical concerns.

Nothing without a human touch.

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